The kitchen torch is a very versatile and amazing tool. Years ago, I was first exposed to a kitchen torch when I witnessed a chef making creme brulee. Until then, I guess I never thought about how the sugar is caramelized into a tasty hard topping.
You can use a butane kitchen torch in many ways, not just cooking. It can also be used for soldering; it’s great for lighting a cigar, creating jewelry, or fixing a plumbing problem, but I will concentrate on using a kitchen blowtorch for this article.
Use your torch on a non-flammable surface or metal baking pan.
1. Creme Brulee – This is the most popular use for a kitchen torch. After prepping the creme brulee, torch the surface to melt the sugar into a beautiful brown topping.
2. Brown Meringue – Make your meringue look like a professional creation. Brown the topping just before serving. My favorites are lemon meringue and banana cream pie.
3. Marshmallows – I bet you didn’t think about using a torch to brown marshmallows, but this is a great alternative if you don’t have a fire. Put your marshmallows on a fork and twirl in front of the flame.
4. Burnt sugar garnishes – These are great to place on top of desserts or ice cream. Use cookie cutters, metal ones, of course, on a metal cookie sheet. Fill the bottom of each cookie cutter with a little sugar, then use the torch to heat and melt the sugar; wait for the sugar to harden. Wallah!
5. Salad toppings – Sprinkle the top of a salad with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese, then brown the topping with your torch until the cheese just starts to melt.
6. Peeling tomatoes – Use the torch to char the skin of the tomato until it cracks. Once it cools the skin will peel off very easily.
7. Heat up the ice cream scoop – This is a great way to quickly heat up an ice cream scoop so that it just cuts through ice cream and makes it easy to scoop out.
8. Roasting peppers– There’s nothing like the taste of a perfectly roasted pepper. Char the skin of the pepper, and then you can either peel the skin or leave the skin on for that great roasted pepper taste. This works great for sweet and chili peppers.
9. Melt chocolate – Add milk or dark chocolate to a metal container and heat the container with your kitchen torch. You have yummy chocolate goodness for your favorite ice cream or other dessert in just a few minutes. It will also give the chocolate a nice, glossy appearance.
10. Browning meat – A kitchen torch is a great way to brown meat. Just before you’re ready to serve, use the kitchen torch to brown the top of the meat. It will give your meal a finished, savory look and enhance flavor.
These are just a fraction of the things you can create to experiment with a culinary torch. If you haven’t tried using a torch in the kitchen, give it a try, it will open up a whole new cooking experience.
To learn more about the highest-rated kitchen torches, click here or view all available torches on Amazon.
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