Power Probe PPSK Butane Soldering Kit Review

The Power Probe PPSK Butane Soldering Kit has been designed for general-purpose electrical work and it has proven to be a favorite with customers. It is a portable pencil soldering iron so is cord free and perfect for jobs where an electrical outlet is not available, or as some customers have found, it is a great tool to have even if power is available.

It might be a small soldering set, but it comes loaded with features. More importantly, it is reliable, and this is one of the things customers like best about it. It runs on butane fuel and can last up to 2 hours, depending on what you are using it for. Customers have also commented on how hot it is, and all who left reviews recommend it as a favorite butane torch.

Features of the Power Probe PPSK Butane Soldering Kit

Design – 120 watt 500 BTU soldering kit. The soldering set is a very versatile package and can be used without power if portability is something you need

Ignition – electronic and also includes an electronic flame adjustment ranging from ½ to 2 ½ inches. Ignition is very reliable and the flame adjustment is easy to use.

Fuel – runs on butane and is easy to refill. It also heats very quickly.

Burn Time – will run for a maximum of 2 hours, bearing in mind that using it as a torch will likely use more fuel than the soldering iron


  • Torch – 2500 F
  • Soldering Iron – 950 F

What’s included?

  • Soldering tool
  • 3  x soldering tips
  • 1 x  injection tip
  • 1 x hot knife
  • 1 x heat shield
  • 1  x tube of solder


Measurements: 10.3 x 4.5 x 1.5 inches
14.4 ounces
Item No:


  • Power Probe is a great brand
  • Portable and cordless
  • Perfect for soldering and heat shrink.
  • Long run-time
  • Fast to  heat up
  • Comes in a nice plastic case
  • Starts up every time – self ignition
  • Flick the switch and redirect the flame to the tip
  • Tips can be exchanged easily
  • Hot air feature is perfect for shrink tubing
  • Easy to control
  • Easy to handle
  • Very well made
  • Excellent price


  • No stand to place it on
  • The iron is very hot


At the time of writing, many customers had left outstanding feedback for the Power Probe PPSK Butane Soldering Kit; others had warranty issues and needed to return their torches. Customers were united in their praise of this pencil butane torch, and things that impressed them included the price, quality, excellent performance, fast heat-up time, self-ignition, easy flame adjustment, and most of all, the fact that it is portable and does not require the use of electricity. One customer had an issue getting the Power Probe to work in the soldering mode, and another had a warranty issue with a broken gas flow lever, but these seem to be the exceptions. Power Probe PPSK is an excellent brand for butane soldering torches.

A couple of customers commented that it would have been good if the torch came with a little stand, but this very minor deficiency did not detract from all the excellent ratings. To see more about what customers had to say, you can read the outstanding reviews here.

The Power Probe PPSK Butane Soldering Kit is available for purchase online , and you can get this recommended soldering torch for a fantastic price. It is also eligible for Free Shipping on some sites if you are eligible. You can check for the current price here. We cannot often recommend such a high-quality product to customers, but in this case, we are pleased to do so.

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